
“Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time:
Thus is your time on Earth filled with glory.”  BettyHandrail DesignSmith – A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

Yesterday morning I took the time to walk around my local area. Photographing from around 6.30am through to 9am my eyes fell on the most wondrous shapes, forms, textures that were illuminated by the morning light.

Objects that we humans pass by every day not giving them a second glance, hold beauty, hold interest and stories. Human stories.

The shapes and forms are often made by humans to serve a purpose, a function and they do this effectively. I have attached one such image that I took yesterday.

By isolating it from its greater surroundings, but including those in close proximity an art form is created. This is a handrail at McDonalds in Camden NSW. Often used. Seldom appreciated.

If you haven’t done it lately, take a walk with a camera through your local area. I have no doubt that you’ll be surprised at what you find!

Written by David Johnson
3 July 2014


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